On June 29, 2008 Edge successfully defended his World Heavyweight Championship at Night of Champions against Batista. With the 2008 WWE draft sending Batista to Raw, Edge figured that he would not have to worry about Batista anymore. Edge made a vital mistake though when later that week he visited Raw to let all Raw WWE superstars know that they will never get a shot at his belt. When Edge was leaving Batista attacked him. As Edge was hurt in the ring another newly acquired Raw draftee CM Punk decided to cash in his Money in the Bank contract and pinned Edge to become the new World Heavyweight Champion.
On the following Smackdown Edge showed his disappointment of not having his belt anymore. This led to conflict between him and his finance Vickie Guerrero. They argued and their wedding became jeopardized. Earlier in the show though Vickie had set up a match at the Great American Bash for Edge to Battle Triple H for the WWE title.
On the July 11 edition of Smackdown the arguing between Edge and Vickie got even worse so Vickie set up Edge in a punishment match against the Big Show. During the match Vickie had a close seat to see Edge punished but when Big Show had Edge almost unconscious and about to slam him with a steel chair, Vickie ordered the match to be stopped and got in the ring to comfort Edge. The two made up as they gazed into one each others eyes and started to make out.
The next week on Smackdown Edge and Vickie got married and celebrated during the whole episode of Smackdown. The good times ended though when Triple H revealed a video tape of Edge cheating on Vickie with their wedding planner Alicia Fox. Smackdown ended with Vickie screaming at Edge and Edge not knowing what to do or say.
On July 20, 2008 at the Great American Bash Edge would challenge Triple H for the WWE Championship. Late in the match both men were lying in the ring hurt. Alicia Fox then picked up the belt and placed it by Edge. Vickie Guerrero then attacked Fox which later led to Edge spearing Vickie on accident. Edge looked distraught, he would then lose the match as Triple H pinned him. On the following Smackdown Vickie would punish Edge by telling him that she has allowed the Undertaker to return back to the WWE, months ago she had banished him from the WWE. She also told Edge that he will fight Undertaker at Summerslam, Edge was in shock.
On the July 1, 2008 edition of Smackdown with his upcoming match in mind Edge had announced that he had a special guest that evening on his 'Cutting Edge' show. It was a mystery who his guest would be as no one seemed to know. Chavo Guerrero even made an effort to find out from various superstars through out the show but to no avail. Finally during the Cutting Edge show it was announced by Edge that his special guest would be Smackdown color commentator Mick Foley. Foley was as shocked as anyone else and got into the ring for the show. Edge told him that he wanted his advice since Foley had been through some of the greatest Hell in the Cell matches in history against the Undertaker. Foley gave Edge advice that Edge didn't like and Edge attacked him. The retired Foley battled back but Edge got the best of Foley and the show ended with Foley passed out in the ring and Edge with a smirk on his face.
On the August 8, 2008 edition of Smackdown Edge ended La Familia when he attacked Bam Neely, Zack Ryder and Curt Hawkins (Each time when each superstar was found backstage it was first suspected that the Undertaker was at work). Vickie Guerrero and Chavo Guerrero had suspected that the newly reinstated Undertaker was to blame for it because each time they found a member of La Familia there would be a black rose laid upon them. Vickie and Chavo sake Edge's help to deal with the Undertaker and Edge told them that he will but that it has to be done his way, they agreed. All three of them entered the ring and Edge called out the Undertaker. Undertaker never showed and Edge smacked Chavo Guerrero in the back with a steel chair and harassed Vickie Guerrero. This was officially the end to La Familia.
Edge would battle the Undertaker on August 17, 2008 at Summerslam 2008 in a Hell in a Cell match. Edge would lose the match after Undertaker hit a Tombstone on him.
Edge was away from wrestling for a while until he made his return on November 23, 2008 at Survivor Series. The WWE title match for that night was Triple H defending his WWE title in a Triple Threat match against Jeff Hardy and Vladimir Koslov but someone had attacked Hardy backstage before the match began. That made it a one on one match since Hardy could not compete. After battling it out for a while both Triple H and Koslov were down on the mat with the ref counting. That's when Vickie Guerrero appeared and announced that the match will go on as scheduled and be a Triple Threat match. All of a sudden Edge made his way to the ring and was able to get the win in the match and become the new WWE Champion.
Edge would have to defend his WWE title at Armegeddon on December 14, 2008 in a triple threat match against Triple H and Jeff Hardy. Edge lost the title after getting hit with a Pedigree from Triple H and then a Swanton from Jeff Hardy, who became the new WWE champ that night.
Edge would have a rematch against Jeff Hardy at the 2009 Royal Rumble. Edge succeeded and reclaimed the WWE title with some help from Matt Hardy who interfered in the match and betrayed his brother, Jeff, by whacking him over the head with a steel chair.
Edge's WWE title did not last too long though as he would have to defend his title on February, 15, 2009 at No Way Out in a Smackdown Elimination Chambers match which included the Undertaker, Jeff Hardy, Triple H, Vladimir Kozlov and the Big Show. Edge would get eliminated early in the match as Jeff Hardy pinned him. Triple H would go on to win the WWE title. Later that same evening though, Edge would use his trickery ways to be part of the Raw Elimination Chamber match. That match would feature Chris Jericho, Rey Mysterio, Kane, Mike Knox, John Cena and Kofi Kington. As Kofi Kinston made his way out to the ring, Edge attacked him and bashed his head into the steel chairs which knocked Kington out. Edge then replaced Kingston in the match and would be there at the end of the match against Rey Myterio. Edge would hit a spear on Mysterio to finish it and win the World Heavyweight Championship.
During the next month or so as Edge was enjoying his World Heavyweight belt, he would learn that his wife Vickie Guerrero had been having an affair with the Big Show. This would lead into a title defense match for Edge against the Big Show at Wrestlemania 25 on April 5, 2009. It would not only be Big Show though that Edge would have to defend his title against. John Cena (who exposed the Big Show-Vickie affair) would also be part of the match as it was a Triple Threat Match for the World Heavyweight Championship. The match came down to a Attitude Adjustment move by John Cena that led to a pinfall win as Cena won the World Heavyweight Championship from Edge.
Cena would not hold the title for too long though as he would have to defend the World Heavyweight belt at Backlash on April 26, 2009 against Edge, the match would be a Last Man Standing match. In the match the Big Show interfered and choke slammed Cena on a near by light which caused it to explode and caused Cena to get a 10 count and lose the match making Edge once again the World Heavyweight Champion.
Jeff Hardy then challenged Edge for the World Heavyweight title and on May 17th, 2009 at Judgment Day, Edge would successfully defend his World Heavyweight title against Jeff Hardy with some outside interference help from Matt Hardy.
On June 7, 2009 at Extreme Rules Jeff Hardy would get another chance to take the Heavyweight Title in a Ladder Match against Edge. Before the match started Vickie assured Edge that no Raw superstar would be going into the ring to help out Edge this time. Edge told Vickie that she better soon find a good divorce lawyer. Late in the match Jeff began to climb the ladder, Edge fought tooth and nail to keep Hardy from grabbing the belt, but Jeff got Edge caught up in the rungs of the ladder. This allowed Jeff to grab the belt hanging above the ring and take the World Heavyweight title away from Edge.
On June 8th 2009, Edge's on screen wife Vickie Guerrero would make an announcement live from the Raw ring. Vickie announced that she would be quiting her position as Raw's general manager. Edge then made his way to the ring and told Vickie that he wanted a divorce because she was now useless to him and that he only used her before because of the power that she had as the GM.
At the Bash Edge won the Unified WWE Tag Team Championship with Chris Jericho after being a late entry by Teddy Long.
On July 3, Edge suffered a real life torn Achilles tendon while competing at a live event in San Diego in a match against Jeff Hardy, and later underwent surgery.
On the July 17th edition of Smackdown Edge talked about his injury to the Smackdown fans and his personal accomplishments. He said his torn achilles is the toughest injury to return from, but he'll do everything he can to return and become champion. Chris Jericho then interrupted Edge. Jericho said he won't allow himself to be punished over Edge's selfish actions, so he'll find a new partner at Night of Champions who's even better than Edge. Jericho listed off all of Edge's injuries broken neck, torn pectorial and now torn achilles. Jericho called Edge frail and weak, saying Jericho's never been injured before in his career. Edge said he'll use what Jericho said to motivate him, and said when he comes back, he'll prove Jericho and everyone else wrong.
Birth Name: Adam Joseph Copeland
Birth Date: October 30, 1973
Height: 6' ft 5' inch
Finishing Move: Spear
He is from Canada and used to play lots of hockey.
Was a Hulkamaniac as a child.
Had a real life affair with WWE diva Lita when she was in a serious relationship with WWE superstar Matt Hardy.